Tree trimming and pruning: why is it important? As anyone will tell you, it’s always nice to have trees in your garden. Whether they are deciduous (when their leaves fall off in the fall) or evergreen (when their foliage lasts all year long), they make for great decor. However, they are no different than your other plants in that you need to take good care of them. With this in mind, it is important to prune your trees during appropriate periods. By the way, in case you didn’t know, pruning simply means getting rid of unwanted branches from a tree.
Pruning a tree? Why do it?
It is always interesting to observe the growth of your trees. That said, it is important to keep an eye on this growth, because if it becomes too large, it may cause inconvenience not only to you, but also to others. It is for this reason that regulations have been put in place. Indeed, branches that are too long can potentially fall on people or vehicles. They can also obstruct traffic lanes, block your field of vision or that of your neighbors. Or they can disrupt the Internet and telephone network. It is also problematic if your branches reach electrical cables!
You should know that according to the regulations in force, you are required to prune your trees as soon as their branches overhang your neighbor’s property. This also applies to public parks. However, your neighbor does not have the right to cut them. On the other hand, he can sue you if you are the owner! You should also know that in the case of a rental property, the costs of pruning are the responsibility of the tenant.
Pruning: period, frequency and means
When to prune?
First of all, remember this: never prune your trees during sap flow periods. This period can be identified by the fall or the budding of the leaves. Indeed, this can be harmful to them. It is also important to avoid periods of extreme heat.
It is often recommended to prune in winter. At that time, trees enter a vegetative rest period. Therefore, there is no risk of losing their natural reserves. Also, the bark is less likely to tear. There is one concern, however: because the trees are at rest, they won’t be able to heal right away… which means they may attract fungus and untoward diseases.
pruning and trimming
To avoid these inconveniences, you can prune in mid-spring: healing will then be assured and your trees will be able to protect themselves against external aggressions. That said, the maintenance becomes more consequent, because the number of leaves to be evacuated inevitably increases because of the spring.
In any case, you should know that depending on the species of your trees, different periods are recommended (you can use a comparative table like the one on Ooreka).
How often?
Several elements are taken into account to determine the frequency, such as the growth rate of the trees and their species. Their age is also important: for example, a tree that is at least 10 years old needs to be pruned every 2 years, while a tree that is at least 20 years old needs to be pruned every 10 years. Organize yourself accordingly!
With what?
The necessary equipment is as follows: a double ladder, protective gloves, pruning shears, branch cutters, a chainsaw, a pruning saw, healing putty, and a spatula. If you have this equipment at home, it’s perfect! If not, you should know that some companies like Location du Nord can offer this for rent.
In the end, pruning is not only essential but also mandatory to preserve your trees and avoid any danger. And taking care of it yourself is delicate, but quite possible!
Nantes paysagiste Tree trimming and pruning: why is it important?